Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sexual Assault on UWL Campus

For those of you who haven't heard, there has been a pretty big story unfolding in our community lately. At UWL, two students were accused of assaulting their roommate.

The event began with fairly usual roommate disagreements. Brayden Wienke became aggrivated when his roommate began to throw playing cards at him while studying. Wienke called this behavior "immature" and decided that he needed to get back at his 18-year-old roommate. Brayden's friend Casey Gudis then began to assist him in sodomizing their roommate with a lint roller. Afterwards, they told him that he deserved it, and that they were now even.

I find this completely repulsing. I cannot even contimplate what would drive a person to sexually molest a roommate as a form of "retribution" for simply being annoyed for a few minutes. I understand that it can be frustrating to have someone mess with you while you are studying, but it doesn't ever need to provoke a reaction so violent and cruel.

The 2 assaulters have been expelled from UWL and face major criminal assault charges. It's hard to believe that something like this happened in the La Crosse community. There aren't a large number of violent crimes in the area, especially any this disgusting.

While reading comments on the various local new articles online, I found a large number of people attempting to defend Wienke and Gudis, saying things like: "they wouldn't have done it if they didn't have a reason" and "that kid had it coming for being so annoying." These reactions are completely unrealistic. This is a real crime, and these assaulters never were justified to do what they did, despite how "annoyed" they were.

I am curious to hear what you (whoever is currently reading my blog) think about this issue. Were Wienke and Gudis' actions wrong, or did their roommate deserve to be raped for throwing playing cards at them while they were trying to study?

1 comment:

  1. I too think this is disgusting. It makes me wonder what young people are thinking these days. I would hate to see what they would have done if their room mate had done something really wrong.
    Yes, this is a violent crime and it should be treated as such. I hope that these two kids get more than just a slap on the wrist. Otherwise other students will think that they can do this and just get a slap on the wrist. The punishment should fit the crime.

    As for the kids that were defending the boys that did this. They must have something wrong in their brain. Who raised these young people to think like this? Maybe that needs to be looked into.
